24 Hour Monopoly Animation Collaboration! – Game Grumps Animated
A BUNCH OF AWESOME ANIMATORS. 10 seconds of animation each. 24 hours to make a complete GGA. Here are the results!
Please give huge compliments to the incredible artists who pulled this off:
Mangomation Animation ► https://www.instagram.com/caroshiine/
David Hootselle ► https://twitter.com/Shigloo
Team Egg ► https://twitter.com/TeamEggTroop
Kai Newton ► https://twitter.com/KaiPiez & Emily Stay ► https://twitter.com/EmilyStay2
Steve Dorian ► https://twitter.com/Lemonyfreshtwit
Liam ► https://twitter.com/Mossaliam
SmashToons ► https://twitter.com/TheSmashToons
Darcy Rose ► https://twitter.com/DarcLaFarse
Pivots ► https://twitter.com/ThePivotsXXD
Simon Macko ► https://twitter.com/Shoocharu
Wonchop ► https://twitter.com/Wonchopmonkeyma
Jae55555 ► https://youtube.com/jae55555
Original Episode ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bvc38EfOhqM
Thank you to Ludolik for helping organize this project! ► https://twitter.com/Ludolik
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Game Grumps are:
Arin ► http://www.youtube.com/Egoraptor
Danny ► http://www.youtube.com/NinjaSexParty
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