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Canceled Prince Of Persia Redemption Footage And A Fake Nintendo Direct | Good News Gaming

This week on Good News Gaming, we take a look at an incredible gesture from the Fallout 76 community, as well as the canceled Prince of Persia game that somehow surfaced on YouTube this week… after being uploaded eight years ago. We also enjoy a fake Nintendo Direct, and catch up with Greg Miller’s fundraising efforts.

On this episode of Good News Gaming, we take a look at the footage of a canceled Prince of Persia game that’s been making the rounds online this week, even though it was uploaded… eight years ago. We also cover an incredible gesture from the Fallout 76 community, which has rallied to help out one of its most famous role-players in their time of need.

We also delve into that fake Animal Crossing Direct (and hope that Nintendo is taking notes), as well as watch a very good video essay about horror game soundtracks. There’s a couple of excellent memes and funny gaming moments thrown in for good measure.

As always, if you have any uplifting news stories you’d like to see mentioned next week, leave them in the comments!

In this video:

GTA Online karma:
Dr CJ Martin’s GoFundMe:
Nick Ha’s fake Animal Crossing Nintendo Direct:
Polygon article about Animal Crossing weeds:
Richard Parry’s instagram:
Verge article about Richard Parry:
Why Do Horror Games Sound So Beautiful?:
Prince of Persia Redemption:
Kinda Funny’s fundraiser:
Red Dead Online oh deer: