Ex-Rockstar Dev Reacts to GTA 6 Trailer – IGN Daily Fix
Rockstar Games is notorious for making visually stunning games, which are revealed with slick cinematic trailers. And on Monday night, GTA 6 joined the company’s long list of graphically impressive titles. And looking at the hair physics, the amount of Jiggle-watts in the BBLs showcased in Grand Theft Auto 6, the entire Internet is not only watching but talking about all there is for us to experience come 2025. Even former Rockstar animator, Mike York, gave his two-cents on the trailer. And coming from a former employee who worked on both GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2, his opinions come with a little more weight. #GTA6 is shaping up to be something truly massive, which we’ll keep you posted on GTA 6 news as it breaks. #RockstarGames will keep us on our toes as we explore #ViceCity. Plus some Fortnite news that might be a real bummer for Metal Gear Solid fans
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