The GI Show 500th Episode With Special Guests
On this week’s episode of The Game Informer Show, host Andy McNamara and producer Alex Stadnik are joined by the show’s hosts from throughout the years. Matt Helgeson, Tim Turi, and Ben Hanson all make appearances to catch up and reminisce about the show. Next up, we have a murderer’s row of GI editors join us to talk about the show and what games are filling their backlog. Here is a giant list to get you excited: Leo Vader, Dan "The Jacket" Tack, Andy Reiner, Matt Kato, Ben Reeves, Matt Miller, Joe Juba, and Jeff Cork (Kim Wallace and Brian Shea couldn’t join us, but they are here in spirit).
Joe Juba and Jeff Cork go the extra mile and stay to answer the always-entertaining and enlightening community emails (in which Andy confuses his PSP and Vita references. Feel free to mock him).
It is important to note that this episode doesn’t happen without your support, all the amazing talent in the game industry that has appeared on the show, and of course, all the Game Informer family over the decades. This episode is dedicated to you.
To jump to a particular point in the discussion, check out the time stamps below.
The Game Informer Show Reunion with Tim Turi, Matt Helgeson, and Ben Hanson: 00:11
Leo Vader, Alex Stadnik and Dan Tack’s GI Show Memories and Backlogs: 38:53
Matthew Kato and Andrew Reiner’s GI Show Memories and Backlogs: 1:05:33
Ben Reeves and Matt Miller’s GI Show Memories and Backlogs: 1:22:41
Jeff Cork and Joe Juba’s GI Show Memories and Backlogs: 1:46:35
Community Emails: 2:12:04