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The 10 Best DCEU Movie Heroes

The DCEU may not have as many films under its utility belt as the MCU, but it still has powerhouse performers who punctuate what it means to be a hero. And with Zack Snyder’s Justice League now available on HBO Max, join us for this look back at the entire run of the DC Extended Universe so far — from Man of Steel to Birds of Prey Suicide Squad to the Snyder Cut itself — as we rank the Top 10 DC heroes

This is how we came up with this ranking: A group of IGN editorial staff voted for their favorite DCEU heroes. The results of that vote were then calculated to create this ranking. The criteria we considered when voting included character development, performance by the actor playing the role, overall contribution to the shared universe narrative of the DCEU, diversity, and, of course, the just plain cool factor of the character. And yes, we included the Justice League Snyder Cut while voting, even though those versions of the characters exist outside of the DCEU proper. They are still Ben Affleck’s Batman, Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman, Henry Cavill’s Superman, and so on, despite some differences, and as a result we found it impossible to separate The Snyder Cut from this process. It’s a multiverse, baby!

Here are our picks for the 10 best superheroes (and non-super in a couple of cases) of the DCEU. Orphans, doctors, scientists, and spies, these are the champions you want on your side when duking it out with the dark forces of evil. From Batman to Harley Quinn to Wonder Woman to a couple of surprises, check out our ranking of the best of the DCU.